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Lancaster Music Festival

St Nics, Lancaster

Conductor: Jonathan Lo 

Leader: Julian Cann   

As part of Lancaster Music Festival, the orchestra played in St. Nic’s Arcade, Lancaster.  The Barber of Seville overture went down well, with a large crowd cheering. Different instruments were “showcased”, playing well-known snippets (including the trumpets with the “Star Wars” theme). A little girl aged 6 enjoyed conducting for a few minutes. Her mum said  “We thought the orchestra was wonderful - such a treat to get to see the players up close!”  Another onlooker said  “I heard the Haffner play "Barber of Seville" overture on Saturday, and it sounded marvellous. The positive response from the audience was terrific at the end.”  Many people in the crowd were just shoppers and passers-by, hearing and seeing a symphony orchestra for the first time.

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